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FTB Spotlight – Kendrick Calilao 

Grad year – 2018

High School – First Academy

FTB – 5th season with FTB


Kendrick came to his first camp the Fall of his 7th grade year in school.  He was in the last hitting group of the day and mixed in with the Freshman that came to camp.  At that point in the day I had evaluated nearly 280 hitters and my mind was nearly melted.  Physically, he looked like he belonged with the freshman that were out there.  He took a very mature BP, spraying line drives from right-center to left-center.  He also showed a strong arm that may have been the best out of anyone in his group.  Again, two years younger than anyone else on the field.  He easily graded out as one of the top players in the final group.  My mind being melted, at the time, I over looked the fact that he was a 7th grader.  As we sat down that night and started going over players, I was taken back when told of Kendricks age.  A big smile on my face I knew we could push him fast and challenge him. 

Now Kendrick is a strongly built sophomore and shows similar skills, just enhanced by strength.  His bat speed is just different when compared to his peers.  This Fall I watched him play 2 games at the Perfect Game Underclass World Championship.  He recorded 4 hits and 3 of them were doubles that got off his bat and to the outfield wall in no time.  His arm grades as double-plus for his age and he combines that with great instincts in the outfield.  What defines Kendrick even more is a story I heard about him this summer.  He made the 15U USA Team and was practicing with them in preparation to fly out and compete internationally.  Kendrick came down with an injury.  Instead of using a roster spot on an injured player, Kendrick suggested they fill it with someone that could help them win the Gold.  The director of the 15U USA program told me it was one of the most selfless and mature acts that he has EVER encountered with a 15 year old kid.  Just a tremendous teammate!  Kendrick could have easily folded up and beat himself up over it.  Instead he just continued to rehab, work, and get better.  This lead to a strong Fall that saw him commit to the University of Florida.  The work ethic and character praises are nothing that surprise anyone that has been around Kendrick for any length of time. 

He is now ready to help lead our 2018 class to deep runs in all tournaments and go chase some rings!  I still get a big smile on my face thinking about the first time I got to evaluate Kendrick.  I get a bigger smile knowing we get to write him in FTB line ups for a couple more years!      

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